Here is what I showed as my last WIP for the final class of the term. I feel really good about where this ended by the last class. learned a lot about not just weight and physics and constraints (which was hell, mind you), but also about trusting in my gut and my abilities to be able to get this done. I found that I worked faster than I thought I could, with a more clear mind, and more confidence. I learned that my background in 2D animation and drawing still have a very important place in my 3D workflow I did a lot of the initial ideation and blocking in 2D! I also pushed my poses and lines of action, by doing a lot of drawovers in Maya with blue pencil) Yes, there are some things I might revise, but overall I feel proud of my growth in this class, as shown in my last shot. And maybe one of the best lessons of all - I learned to keep asking myself WHY and WHAT. WHAT is the character doing and WHY? Using that, I restrained myself from over animating unnecessary things, and kept the animation more clear, I feel. The class thought so too!